I've played both for hours, prefer my XB1. Both interfaces are kinda ugly IMHO.
The XB1 controller seems more formed to my hands, more comfortable.
The XB1 controller has a user replaceable battery, which I prefer for many reasons - a side effect is being 'greener' meaning it's only a battery I need to toss out or a controller, when one or the other wears out or needs replaced.
The PS4 controller has a few nice 'touches' (pun intended) like the touch pad and built in speaker.
The PS4 controller has a built in battery and once the battery wears out, the entire controller needs replaced - both expensive and not very 'friendly' with waste.
The XB1 is a bigger unit, but as long as it doesn't over heat like the previous gen for both PS3 and XB360 did, then that's fine.
The PS4 is a smaller unit, and in hand with my comment on the line above this, is I do hope it doesn't over heat.
The XB1 and PS4 both have not a lot of games in their catalogs, but that'll be fixed with time.
The price points on both are same/similar.
The XB1 has more regular and IMHO more meaningful updates to the system.
The PS4 has updates, though not as often, nor meaningful IMHO.
To me, there is no war, other than a sales war. If somebody buys a console, based upon peer pressure or what the media says, instead of how it fits into their needs/wants for gaming, then they've made the wrong choice. Not as in another condemning someone else for their choice, but if a customer buys a unit for anything other than what they will enjoy and use, is just a travesty.
In whatever your choice may be, enjoy what you have, game on and don't hate on anyone for their choice. If the console mfgs want a war, let them fight it and leave the gamers to do what we do best, game and enjoy those games.