Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

Wasn't the PS3 famously faster than the Xbox 360? Though I suppose that's hardware, what software are you referring to?

It comes down to games for me, exclusive titles make the difference. When I had my original Xbox, I was jealous the PS2 had GTA and I didn't, but those days are long past. Now with Halo and Gears of War on the Xbox, I don't know of anything Sony has that I'm dying for. Diablo 3? I already have it on PC, so that wouldn't sway me.

The PS3 cell CPU was a little faster and also helped there slow GPU. I own both consoles and could never see a noticable difference. MS is a software company and has always had great software for almost everything. Sony lacked good development software for the PS3 making it very hard and more costly to design games for.
I'm not waiting for E3 or anything, the main reason being the fact that these two companies know without a doubt what the other will release, knowing how to compete in advance. If playstation will have more ram, the xbox will say they got a better video card. If playstation say they got a new controller, xbox will say they got a tv feature with new bla bla. It's new old news.
PS4 does have the better System specifications, And their more focused on gaming than on *cough* "TV"
However, Im going to wait till E3 to make my mind up
The PS4 is just simply better. The Xbox One is suppose to be this all in one entertainment console. Though, the primary buyers will purchase these consoles purely for games.

The Xbox One kinda screwed themselves this console. I mean having to connect to the internet every 24hours and not being able to trade games with friends?

The Xbox One is a joke.
I have been a huge XBOX fan since the beginning. Not anymore. They have put too many restrictions on gaming. Since most of my friends are switching to PS4, I will go with them. I have no use for a console that critically limits my gaming. The 360 was great, but those days are gone. No more grabbing my hard drive and game book for game night. No more XBOX in the R.V. Microsoft wont allow it, so PS4 wins as long as I can use it as a game console. I will probably keep a 360 around for a while. I'll miss it when it is gone.
I just don't know yet. I will probably just want to ge tthe most for my money so whatever can do that will probably be purchased by me. I just want really good gaming and a nice Netflix app and I'm happy.
As it is right now, people strongly favor the PS4 over the Xbox One. That was before they dropped the bombshell about the constant internet connection and their game lending policy, so you can imagine how they feel now. Personally, I'm not really interested in either, but if I had a bunch of extra money to throw around I would probably get the PS4.
As it is right now, people strongly favor the PS4 over the Xbox One. That was before they dropped the bombshell about the constant internet connection and their game lending policy, so you can imagine how they feel now. Personally, I'm not really interested in either, but if I had a bunch of extra money to throw around I would probably get the PS4.
It might seem like that on some of the forums because most of the people posting are the ones upset with MS. If someone posts support for the Xbox One they get attacked from those people, so they just quit posting.
A lot of people are saying that the PS4 is going to be the system go to, but only because of Microsoft's recent blunders with how they are talking about the Xbox One. I'm still not sold on either yet, both are similarly powered with a slight hardware favor to the PS4, but the Xbox One will have more non-gaming features. Although I don't really care about the whole all in "one" idea, I just want to play video games.
It might seem like that on some of the forums because most of the people posting are the ones upset with MS. If someone posts support for the Xbox One they get attacked from those people, so they just quit posting.

That may be, also, but the general consensus is pretty clear. There are a lot of things I like about the Xbox One, but none of them are enough to make me ignore its shortcomings. I'm certainly not trying to attack anyone who likes it, either, so I hope those people will feel free to express their opinions.
I am just going to have a poke and say PS4, I've heard some crazy things about the specs also mentioned about by JasonPL. There are some major differences, also the free PSN is very appealing to those who don't look towards paying to play online. In my circle of friends many find the PS3 network to be much better, and this will play out as a key factor. Many of the exclusive games will also affect win this console war!


p.s. Good luck to both consoles!
The MS E3 press conference really impressed me, so my Xbox One is already pre-ordered. So far i have been a little disappointed with my PS3, it will take quite a few really good games that I want to play inorder for me to decide to purchase a PS4.
Their you go, a $399 price point for the PlayStation 4, guess that changes things for some people. DRM, No online check in...100 bucks cheaper??? you kidding me? PS4 all the way and I wont look back..
I don't want to be that guy who over reacts but I said before all that Sony has to do is appease the hardcore gamers and not upset and them and by god did they ever do such a thing. I love the cheeky little video they made over used games... brilliant move by Sony.

Can someone give me one good reason other than Halo, that I would want to choose Xbox over the PS4? Because I can't think of one.
I don't want to be that guy who over reacts but I said before all that Sony has to do is appease the hardcore gamers and not upset and them and by god did they ever do such a thing. I love the cheeky little video they made over used games... brilliant move by Sony.

Can someone give me one good reason other than Halo, that I would want to choose Xbox over the PS4? Because I can't think of one.

Seems to be the general consensus. I was shocked to see $399. I think that Titan Game can be ok. The issue you have are there are so many choices in the FPS genre that it really doesn't matter. Plus, I am predicting Destiny to be the next CoD. Halo was in trouble before this now they want people to cough up $500 to play it... With DRM??? Maybe last gen parents were not aware of such things but the word is out. Even the media outlets are all over MS on this one.
I'll be buying the Xbox One, with that said i think Sony was doing the same thing as Microsoft with the Video / Music libraries etc etc. I think the first 40 mins of the conference was non-gaming related. The real things they got em on was price and console restrictions. The 24 hour thing i hope they turn around on as well as the price. Plus the outlets who make most their money on used games will not be happy with the system.
It might seem like that on some of the forums because most of the people posting are the ones upset with MS. If someone posts support for the Xbox One they get attacked from those people, so they just quit posting.

If you ever feel your being attacked that goes beyond a topic level please report the thread and one of the mods will have a look. We try to keep things as clean as possible.
I was wondering if anyone has a link to the article or press release where Microsoft said that there would be a required internet link every 24 hours? Everything that I've been able to find that was a legitimate press statement and not hearsay from someone posting on a forum seems to be saying that Microsoft has not officially said anything about this requirement yet, or about their DRM settings, besides that DRM will be up to individual publishers.

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