Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

PlayStation 4 has the advantage over the Xbox One. If the PS 4 was not leading the race, Microsoft shouldn't have made a complete turnaround with regards to the restrictions that they have implemented. Microsoft is now the follower and Sony is leading the charge.
PlayStation 4 has the advantage over the Xbox One. If the PS 4 was not leading the race, Microsoft shouldn't have made a complete turnaround with regards to the restrictions that they have implemented. Microsoft is now the follower and Sony is leading the charge.

It's not official until we see the reports on sales a month or two after the releases.
Honestly, to me they both have amazing features to offer to the person using the console. Now it seems that the Xbox is all for entertainment from what I'm hearing. I can care less about the live tv that it has, that's what I have Comcast for. So in my opinion, the PS4 is better because it's completely centered around gaming, and that's what it's naturally made for in the first place.
I agree that a lot of the features seem unnecessary. If I had one complaint about the Xbox One, it would be that they're trying to hard to make it about more than just gaming. But honestly, if I'm going to buy a gaming console, it's going to be for gaming. I may use it for apps like Netflix, but that's pretty much my limit in terms of non-gaming use.
There are 2 reasons the PS4 is a better gaming rig. One, it has more beef. There is no getting around it, it's a stronger system. Two, it does not have the overhead of running the 3 MS bloated OS's. So even the the number or RAM is the same (MS is slower) only 5GB is allocated for games and 3 for the OS. Hopefully that can be streamlined later on.
Microsoft is now the follower and Sony is leading the charge.

Aside from some complaints about the OS, you don't think they're closer to equal now? They are a lot better off than they were just a few weeks ago. I'd be curious to see some stats about presales.
I'm sticking with Xbox because of Xbox LIVE and the service. Most of the games I play are games that are on all consoles anyways. The controller for the Xbox IMO, is better. I never did like the Sony controllers and after getting use to the new joystiq layout with Xbox, I never could get the hang of the PS controller again. I don't want to go to PlayStation after that breach in the PSN a while back. It happened, so it means it's possible to happen again. Xbox LIVE never had a breach that released information, or any breach that I've heard of, so of course I trust them more than PlayStation right now.
Even at this point, I see no clear difference between the systems (besides the most obvious things). Nothing that would convince me to buy one over the other, really. Traditionally I have gotten an Xbox first, then a PlayStation, but I did have a PS One before anything else. I suppose I'm habitual in that way because I keep following that pattern, but it really has nothing to do with the consoles and more to do with whichever deals I can find.
I have a feeling gamescom just might change some minds. Microsoft has been very active in the time since E3. At the very least, it will be interesting to see Julie Larson-Green talking about games.
I disagree with arguing XBOXONE specs over PS4, and I'll tell you why PS3 has better specs then the the 360, and it has bluray, but that has not stopped 360 from dominating the past 10 years has It. Now as far as the price difference goes,Lets face it if you can afford a $400.00 console, then you can afford a $500.00 console, that's not that big of a stretch, so I don't agree in arguing price either. If you would have told me a few years ago that a $700.00 PS3, was not going to completely bomb, I would have laughed in your face, but look at it now. At the end of the day, we can all sit here and argue what has better specs,or what has a better price. But if there is one thing I've learned in my years as a gamer, looks, specs, and price, don't always matter. Anybody that argues with that is a fool.
I know this is basically going to make me the target of an angry mod on an Xbox forum but the Xbox One is probably my least favourite of the new gaming platforms. I was absolutely disgusted by the things they were trying to impose during the announcement and E3, and although I know they've gone back on the policies, to me the damage has already been done. Also, even if that hadn't happened I still generally prefer the Japanese market to the American so the games on Sony and Nintendo platforms usually appeal to me more than Microsoft's.

Having said that, I'm not totally sold on PS4 either. I'm mainly looking out for titles that I might be interested in (perhaps a new Persona) :P but there isn't really anything at this stage. I guess it will be just Wii U and PC for me for a little while.
I really don't like these kinds of discussions because they tend to turn ugly. On paper the PS4 looks like the dream console I have to admit. My main issue is that I have an Xbox 360 and if I get a PS4 then I'll be paying double for online access. The universal Live access for both the 360 and One for $60 is the greatest incentive to go Xbox One (for me at least).

...Oh and Titanfall
Hehe I have a sneaking suspicion that there might be a bit of a bias in this forum for.... you guessed it, the xb1. That being said, I think that the two are going to have a fairly even showing out of the gates, with an advantage to PS4. xb1's weak showing at E3 really took some steam out of its sails early on, but with the recent backpeddling that Microsoft has been doing, we might still get a reasonable product before it's too late.

Game lineups on both sides look fantastic, and as I had mentioned in a different post, it might come down to a hit series flopping, or a new franchise becoming a hit to swing the scale one way or another. Some pretty exciting times, I think the only thing we can really do is wait and see if our wild speculation goes anywhere.
My vote: Everyone should get what they want, be happy with it and stop trying to glamorize the choice they made.

Either your platform you choose has the games and the features you want, or it doesn't.

Think about it in a similar mode to:

"Everyone thinks their Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband/Mistress etc. is the best looking, most perfect person on the planet. While you may think it's true, there are scores of people out there who will adamantly disagree with you, and in fact be sickened by your choice, your words and your dedication to something so hideously out of their 'taste' and what they deem as right, proper and/or handsome of beautiful."

So get what you like, and be happy with it. If we each are happy with our choices, then this stupid fanboi kinda stuff wouldn't matter to anyone. What people on here **tching about 'my console is better' or 'your console sucks' tells is this - that they are in fact either unsure or unhappy with their choice.....
my vote: Everyone should get what they want, be happy with it and stop trying to glamorize the choice they made.

Either your platform you choose has the games and the features you want, or it doesn't.

Think about it in a similar mode to:

"everyone thinks their girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband/mistress etc. Is the best looking, most perfect person on the planet. While you may think it's true, there are scores of people out there who will adamantly disagree with you, and in fact be sickened by your choice, your words and your dedication to something so hideously out of their 'taste' and what they deem as right, proper and/or handsome of beautiful."

so get what you like, and be happy with it. If we each are happy with our choices, then this stupid fanboi kinda stuff wouldn't matter to anyone. What people on here **tching about 'my console is better' or 'your console sucks' tells is this - that they are in fact either unsure or unhappy with their choice.....

well said mate!
I know this is basically going to make me the target of an angry mod on an Xbox forum but the Xbox One is probably my least favourite of the new gaming platforms. I was absolutely disgusted by the things they were trying to impose during the announcement and E3, and although I know they've gone back on the policies, to me the damage has already been done. Also, even if that hadn't happened I still generally prefer the Japanese market to the American so the games on Sony and Nintendo platforms usually appeal to me more than Microsoft's.

So I have been trying to get an answer to this question because honestly I can't wrap my head around it and cannot get more than a fanboy's answer. Exactly what "damage" has been done to you? I'm dead serious asking here. Maybe the fact that I am about to turn 40 and my days of being that hardcore guy are over, but I don't for the life of me what this even means that "the damage has been done".

If they launched the console with their original plan and you didn't like it, then I get the whole "damage" thing. For many people that was Sony circa 2006, so I would get that. But the Xbox One hasn't even launched yet, and the company changed some of their plans. So what damage was done?

Again, I'm asking with the utmost of seriousness as someone who very much doesn't understand this line of thinking in this circumstance.
So I have been trying to get an answer to this question because honestly I can't wrap my head around it and cannot get more than a fanboy's answer. Exactly what "damage" has been done to you? I'm dead serious asking here. Maybe the fact that I am about to turn 40 and my days of being that hardcore guy are over, but I don't for the life of me what this even means that "the damage has been done".

If they launched the console with their original plan and you didn't like it, then I get the whole "damage" thing. For many people that was Sony circa 2006, so I would get that. But the Xbox One hasn't even launched yet, and the company changed some of their plans. So what damage was done?

Again, I'm asking with the utmost of seriousness as someone who very much doesn't understand this line of thinking in this circumstance.

That is what I want to know also. When I see people post stuff like that on other sites I ask the same thing and never get a straight answer.
I think the PS4 may have a better launch, but the install base will favor Microsoft simply because of gamers sticking with the friends and wanting a easy transition to next gen. Meaning they wont want pick a different console from their friends, family, clans, etc. Microsoft will also likely keep the cod and madden crowd. In the end I don't think there will be any losers in the sense of either sony or microsoft backing down to the other.

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