Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

Well if we'd consider all next gen consoles, I'd probably go with Wii U because I'm a Nintendo fan boy like that. They just don't have that many interesting games released yet. But out of Xbox vs PS4, I'd got with Sony. I just feel like every game that's worth playing on Xbox will be on PS4 too, plus the exclusives.
I own both PS4 and XBOX ONE. And I really don't know which one I prefer. If you can afford both of them do it so you can have all exclusives. If you don't go for the one which have games you want. Because on the hardware side, they are pretty much the same. And even if one make some majors improvement, the other will add this features quickly !
I prefer my XBox, but I do have love for the PS4 as well. The only thing that really sets one above the other for me is the exclusives and Gold. XBox gold is better than PS+. XBox also has a lot of really great exclusive games that I'll never get on PS. If XBox ever gets Uncharted? It will massacre the PS4 for me. I'll never look back.
Xbox One will do great in spite of negative press

Its silly to play the horsepower/resolution cards that favor ps4 when you look at the games themselves and compare with your own eyeballs.
My point is that looking to the past we can sometimes determine the future.

• The Ps3 was technically more powerful (spec wise) than Xbox 360. This is a fact
• The PS4 is more powerful as well. Undisputed FACT


• The Xbox 360 produced visuals that some thought were more realistic or simply better than ps3 despite the advantage ps3 had in horsepower.
• Games like Gears of War for example.

Now, lets look at Wolfenstein that just released. Both on Ps4 & Xbox One. They are nearly identical. Actually , the Xbox One version looks slight better.

Why is that?

Its not all about horsepower, but more about optimization people.

It will be the same this gaming generation. They will preach how much more powerful ps4 is all while xbone matches their games visually punch for punch.

Ps4 is great and all but it simply lacks ambition & innovation.

Console exclusives will determine the best. The proof is in the pudding, not on the label the pudding is packaged in.
ps4 and xbox. PS4 wins I was a xbox fan for 10years. Now both PS4,PS3, Xbox 360, and Xbox one suck

Build a gaming pc it better.

my pc is build and now hate consoles

just try to switch try

Now im selling my xbox
At first I wanted to get the Xbox one but the more research that I did on the two consoles the more that I began to realize that the PS4 seems to be the better choice I am getting bought consoles but it just looks right now like the PS4 is the console that is running the show right now.
There is no need for this anymore. Most of the people here have gone for Xbox One. That's why they are here. For me though, I like both the platforms. The have some great upcoming games for 2015.
Usability, comfort when playing and what I can get in terms of games is what works for me. PS4 wins but it is a close race between the two of them. I could go either way but for today its PS4.
I really honestly believe that the Xbox one won as an overall console. The multitasking on the Xbox one is crazy good and puts the playstation to shame.
Also, the exclusives like Dead rising are so much better than the PS4 ones in my opinion.
I do believe that the upcoming remastered PS3 games could be a bad thing for Xbox one reputation but i believe that Microsoft will sort this out soon.
I'm a bit on the fence on this question, and really... I do think that they are equally as good in one way or another. Being used to the xbox, and liking the games that are exclusive on xbox however, I don't even consider getting a playstation every time I have to choose between the two. Not to talk about the fact that, all my friends are on Xbox Live, so... Yeah.

The controllers for the Xbox is far better than those of the playstation aswell.
Looks like games are a wash and Xbox does more - like allowing you to game and order a pizza online, or play a game and watch a game... Not sure, at the same price, that's a good position for Sony. They would have to be clearly superior at games to pull gamers away from Xbox. As it is Xbox looks to maintain gamer interest and appeal to non-gamers and casual gamers as well.
From what I have seen of it so far it is the winner but I think that the package is incomplete, the story not finished. Waiting for the second act before I make any decisions on who the winner is.
I have an Xbox ONe and I've palyed a lot on my friends PS4 so I've got a good position to comment here. Performance wise both seem the same, the xbox has a much nicer interface and much smoother multitasking, you can switch to playing a game to watching a movie in a heartbeat. The PS4 seems to have the Xbox beat for exclusive games though.
MS seems ahead of the curve with their technology but I have to say that I would be more comfortable with PS4. I agree with MurdermiesteR about the console, its the most practical thing for me to have at this point and I am a Sony fan.
I have ps3 still I love everything the Xbox one reason 1 my girl bought it for me and reason 2 playing game and watching tv? It would be much better if you can go half on half screen I will die happy after that.
I've not one XB1 - but TWO. (looking to add a 3rd)

I understand what's under the hood and the XDK that's coming. It also does things that the rest of my family uses as well.
Incredible, A reversal of console power basically, now the PS4 is more powerful.. I'm still pretty disappointed in them though.. They were bad when they came out..
Man! Been a while since I've been on these forums. I recently was able to try out both the Xbox ONE and the Playstation 4 in my household, so I figure I'll give my 2 cents on the matter. I really enjoyed both consoles, but each one had their own little thing I did or didn't like. I guess I'll break them down now.

I enjoyed the Xbox ONE's controller and honestly really enjoyed how it uses that snap feature to run apps side by side. So while I'm gaming, I can still browse the entire thing of the ONE and set up parties, or skype, or other things like that. However, that's also something I didn't like. The ONE feels far to social for my tastes, with the media sharing, the netflix, facebook, so on and all the other apps. I'm not into that, so it was a bit of a nuisance. When I get a console, it's to game and game alone, not do things my computer already takes care of. As for the games, I didn't really bother to much with this since almost ALL of them are on their competitor console as well. Though I'll admit Risen was a pretty game, albeit a bit short.

As for the Playstation 4, I loved how it's entirely focused around gaming. Sure it has twitch and sharing as well, but it's more focused on actual streaming and recording, not uploading screenshots to facebook for all my codbros to see. The PlayStation 4 also seemed to run quite faster then the ONE and was incredibly smaller/sleeker. Though the controller felt a bit wonky in my hands and they tried emulating the 360 controller more this time around, switching the game profiles from L1/R1 to L2/R2 for shooting and aiming on most games.

A big deciding factor though was really the fact that the Xbox ONE has the skype codec for it's party chat now which is HEAPS better then what's on the PS4. The mic quality is stupid good and really makes a difference.

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