Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

Ever since the first time I put my hands on a Xbox, I was taken. I had it plugged in on a big screen TV and played for hours and hours without even being hungry lol. Don't get me wrong, I played on a PS before, just not the same thing. Don't see why it shouldn't apply to the PS4 and Xbox One. Similar to smartphones : once an Apple user, always one (in my case).
Now that my favorite JRPG developer (Atlus) and one of my favorite fighting game developers (Arc System Works) are heading towards PS-only, PS4 looks like THE console for me.

Already feeling bad about having a 360 instead of PS3 because of no Persona 5 or Persona 4 Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold!
It's hard to differentiate between the two and they both possess unique qualities and exclusives. I think the best way is to buy both haha! I do love the Xbox though!

How are the graphics not in comparison to each other? You'd think that they would both be relatively close to each other.
Generally speaking, Playstation has always been slightly better than Xbox in my opinion. I say why buy a gaming console from Microsoft when you could always just get the game on steam and sink that money into building a super PC that plays games and does everything a computer does? PSX3 had exclusive titles like "Last of Us" and "Uncharted" which made buying it that much more enticing. I guess the only real plus to Xbox is that it is generally easier to mod.
I'm probably going to get a PS4 first simply because of the price and they have more exclusives that I'm interested in at the moment but I'm definitely going to get an Xbox One at some point. I'm just not ready yet both because of the price and other than maybe Sunset Overdrive there aren't that many exclusives to the console that I want.
I think that so far the PS4 has the lead. The future-proofing has made it more attractive. Also the fact that is it marketed as a "Gaming console" rather than a "Media, only thing in your living room" console, makes me take it more seriously than the Xbox. Future games might make me change my mind however.
With all the DRM issues such as always on and the Kinect requirement for Xbox One, I've really been leaning towards getting a PS4 instead even though I was an Xbox fanboy.
I have never really understood the need for a console "war" and all of the fan boy arguing that goes along with it. I consider myself a gamer......not a Microsoft or Sony gamer, just a gamer. It is really in the best interest of us (the consumer) for BOTH consoles to be successful, like they are right now. Both are selling faster than any console before them and it isn't even close. This means more innovation for the industry and more CHOICE for you and I. If we had one console killing the other, then we consumers lose the price competitiveness that comes along with it.....the "winner" could charge whatever they want to basically. I purchased an XB1 first for two main reasons. 1) all my friends in my home state of TN that I game with all have xboxes and 2) I prefer the XBL service over the PSN (IMO, it isn't even close feature and use ability-wise). I consider myself lucky enough to be able to afford both consoles, so as soon as the PS4 is readily available I will pick one of those up as well so I can enjoy great games like Uncharted. I guess I never will realize why the console launches have to be paychecks aren't signed by Microsoft or Sony, so I certainly won't be defending or trying to sell product for them anytime soon!!
I have never really understood the need for a console "war" and all of the fan boy arguing that goes along with it. I consider myself a gamer......not a Microsoft or Sony gamer, just a gamer. It is really in the best interest of us (the consumer) for BOTH consoles to be successful, like they are right now. Both are selling faster than any console before them and it isn't even close. This means more innovation for the industry and more CHOICE for you and I. If we had one console killing the other, then we consumers lose the price competitiveness that comes along with it.....the "winner" could charge whatever they want to basically. I purchased an XB1 first for two main reasons. 1) all my friends in my home state of TN that I game with all have xboxes and 2) I prefer the XBL service over the PSN (IMO, it isn't even close feature and use ability-wise). I consider myself lucky enough to be able to afford both consoles, so as soon as the PS4 is readily available I will pick one of those up as well so I can enjoy great games like Uncharted. I guess I never will realize why the console launches have to be paychecks aren't signed by Microsoft or Sony, so I certainly won't be defending or trying to sell product for them anytime soon!!

This fan wars have been going on for ages, not just for consoles. My take on this is that people need to find a reason to justify their support for one particular product and the best way is to bring down the other. Even though they don't get paid, they feel psychologically obligated to defend the product of their choice. Subconsciously, they do not want to regret having bought the product hence the fight to the death attitude towards each other. Right now I own both consoles and like you, I don't want either to "win" because I want competition between the three giants. We gamers benefit the most when there is competition.
Well in my opinion both consoles have their respective strengths and weaknesses. Both are good consoles. If had the money I wouldn't hesitate buying PS4. Well actually I'm saving money for it. I want to have both of them. Since both consoles have showcased great releases.
I have never really understood the need for a console "war" and all of the fan boy arguing that goes along with it. I consider myself a gamer......not a Microsoft or Sony gamer, just a gamer. It is really in the best interest of us (the consumer) for BOTH consoles to be successful, like they are right now. Both are selling faster than any console before them and it isn't even close. This means more innovation for the industry and more CHOICE for you and I. If we had one console killing the other, then we consumers lose the price competitiveness that comes along with it.....the "winner" could charge whatever they want to basically. I purchased an XB1 first for two main reasons. 1) all my friends in my home state of TN that I game with all have xboxes and 2) I prefer the XBL service over the PSN (IMO, it isn't even close feature and use ability-wise). I consider myself lucky enough to be able to afford both consoles, so as soon as the PS4 is readily available I will pick one of those up as well so I can enjoy great games like Uncharted. I guess I never will realize why the console launches have to be paychecks aren't signed by Microsoft or Sony, so I certainly won't be defending or trying to sell product for them anytime soon!!

Agreed man. And like what heavensdevil said, this has been going on for ages. I still like all the console options. I own a PS3, a Vita and a PC. I want to have the Xbox One, PS4 and Wii U, so I'm no fanboy at all. I used to be but after my exploration of the PC gaming world, it's nice to have options.
Well in my opinion both consoles have their respective strengths and weaknesses. Both are good consoles. If had the money I wouldn't hesitate buying PS4. Well actually I'm saving money for it. I want to have both of them. Since both consoles have showcased great releases.

Same here, except I'm saving for BOTH consoles. Who needs to argue about who wins or who loses? As long as we got the consoles, we got options. And I don't need to straddle the fence or whatever; I want the best of all the worlds!!
Well it's not a question about who wins or loses. It's a question about who has better games to showcase compared to the other consoles. I think both are on an equal footing. Either way, I don't mind getting PS4 since I've seen and tried it from a friend. Both work awesome. I have no complaints about them.
I will get a PS4 as soon as I can find one. With the XB1 selling as well as it is, either MS has done a MUCH better job with logistics and manufacturing to have the XB1 pretty much readily available..... or (and this is the reason I personally believe) Sony has stretched itself too thin launching in roughly twice the territories as MS, and the USA supply has greatly suffered as a result. Sony could be killing it in the US if they had consoles on the shelves. IMO, this is keeping them from fully capitalizing on the XB1 being a hundred bucks more expensive. Regardless, like I said in my previous post.....I will own both consoles and enjoy the hell outta both. If I HAD to pick just one, however, I have been pretty much XB ever since I put the original Halo in the disc drive and it damn near caused me to fail a semester in college. :)
I just got PS4 today. I had Xbox one for weeks now. I have no complaints on Xbox One. As for PS4, well I haven't tried it fully yet, but I'm loving the graphics and the games that are available on it. I love both consoles.
I've been an Xbox fan through the original Xbox and the 360. However, I'm afraid I'm going to have to go with PS4 this generation as my winner based on what I've seen so far. The Xbone has a built in Kinect, something that I have zero interest in and never will. As a result, they have sacrificed affordability and probably some hardware for something that does not contribute whatsoever to my gaming experience. The release lineup is also really weak. PS4 isn't much better but still.
I have both I like x1 better because I hate having to wait on ps installs however I like the share button, wish x1 had that.
But right I have more people to play on xbox live then ps
I'm still undecided as both are out of my current budget, i may wait for a year or 2 and try the Xbox One or play on both if I can and make a judgement call then, I am leaning towards the one since I have the 360 and it offers Kinect which is always fun when you play those type of games that it supports. But the graphics on both the Xbox One and PS4 look awesome.

But for now, I'll enjoy my little 360 and kill more Zombies :)
I got the One as a gift and bought a PS4 so I'm pretty happy with how things turned out. In terms of launch games, the One wins with Dead Rising 3 though I've gone back to playing games on my PS3 (just stuff I missed). Honestly my next-gen stuff is kind of collecting dust until the games come out but both systems have their good and bad. Seriously I like everything I own.