Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

I don't think so. There are enough fans in the xbox and the PS4 already has a better ventilation while occupying less space.
I've always been an Xbox fan and have stuck with all their consoles, I find them so much better than the playstation. I guess it's probably cause I'm used to the Xbox but I'd never switch to a playstation
I don't think we should argue that much on what console is the best. Both are pretty good in my opinion and they all have great exclusives and unique features!
If Microsoft doesn't pull something out of a hat very soon, I'd say it's going to go to the PS4, simply because of their lack, or at least, relative lack of DRM on the console as standard. Microsoft really messed up when they announced that at the E3 conference.
Actually, the Xbox One has lost its hype. It's pretty clear which console won. But MAYBE, if they release some great exclusives and some new features, the Xbox will win.
I'm with PS4 all the way, I'm a lifer when it comes to this issue. i can't offer any technical reasons for it other than it simply is a better piece of gaming equipment.
I'm still leaning towards PS4 as well, but yeah, Xbox One has a lot of room to grow.
I like both consoles, but I've enjoyed playing on my Xbox more because of the great exclusives.
The Xbox One is around 20 degrees cooler than the PS4 with my setup open air rack. And that's watching netflix. Microsoft knows they fudged the 360 release and made sure not to have the over heating issues again. As I said before, I thought for sure the PS4 would make me happier but I have played the Xbox a lot more in the past 2 weeks than I played the PS4 in the 5 months. Much more enjoyable for us. I really love the Kinect features as well. There fitness games are pretty cool. Fiancee does the Zumba and I mess around with all the workouts on Xbox Fitness never had any major issues.

And the Xbox is much much much quieter than the ps4.

We honestly won't know which console is going to be the better one for several more years. It doesn't matter what's inside of either one, it's what the system can handle and the developers can do with it. Were not even close to maxing these systems out.
Also, I don't mind using a PC either. All 3 are great platforms anyway.
I've been thinking about it for a longer time. I should sell my XB1, since I like the PS4 exclusives more.
I've been thinking of the same thing but well I'm holding onto it since it's really too early to deem it useless.
I agree. I still haven't sold it, but I will do it in the next 3 years. However, there is no reason to quit using it now that the latest exclusives are being launched :D.
I enjoy both but PS4 right now has more exclusives. All Xbox One has had so far is Titanfall...
Both consoles are head to head hardware wise. Both have their pro and contra, but in the end, you will just play the game and never look back nor will you ever think about those pro/contra features.
I have to say that I am impressed by both. I have never been a big fan of the PlayStation; I've always preferred the Xbox. This time around, I have to say that I like a lot, and that's coming from ME of all people. However, I do still like the Xbox One the best. I wouldn't mind having both if I had plenty of money, though, lol! :)
I have a friend with an Xbox One and a friend with a PS4. To be honest I'm not sure which I like more. Both have their pros and cons and seem to be pretty even, although most games on the Xbox seem to move quicker that those on PS4.
I would probably be getting both because I love gaming but I'd prefer the Xbox One because of the controller. I'm more adapted to it and find it easier to play with especially with shooter games like Battlefield and Left4Dead but I'm going to have to wait until E3 to decide which I’ll be getting first (yes I still have neither, because of exams.)

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