Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

Well, it all ends up who invest more - Sony or Microsoft
On one hand, Sony is way more "multidimensional" as compared to Microsoft.
The production, as well as funds are increasing steeper.
On the other hand Microsoft, having problems with it's mobile OS, will try conquer the market in another field, most likely the next.gen gaming.
So, until we see clear info on the topic, disregarding rumors and constant "holy-wars" between the two, we cant estimate for sure.

I disagree with you.

Microsoft, at the moment owns the biggest percentage of IT industry in the world. Trying to keep the level, my guess is that they will use any possible way to stay on top.
Personally I think the Xbox One will win. However taking into account the fact that I'm biased, I think I'll add some reasons why I think the Playstation 4 will win.

The specs are pretty impressive, 8gb Ram is something I'm very much looking forward too. Meaning that Playstation exclusive games will most likely be more impressive as they will computationally be able to handle better cinematics and more polygons in one frame than Xbox. PS4 users will also be able to stream earlier Playstation games and get that nostalgia rush that we all love so much. Also I think that Playstation is more geared towards hardcore gamer while Xbox appeals more to the casual gamer.
I'm pretty torn between the two this time. On one hand, both consoles are pretty much the same in terms of technical specs, and Microsoft usually wins when it comes to services and software features. But on the other hand, there's also the controversy surrounding them, and the various announcements which might or might not eventually end up being true (Kinect always requiring to be plugged in, etc.) I've already preordered the One though, so whatevs.
They both have their own advantages, but with how microsoft seemed to treat their consumers during the controversy of its initial reveal probably will hurt their sales. Since they did change all of the policies, I assume that they won back some people. The PS4 probably will sell better in the end. I personally will eventually get both consoles, but probably the One first.
XBOX One vs PS4 (Hardware Comparison)

PS4 is significantly smaller compared to XBOX One and is three pounds lighter which is nice to carry while travelling. PS4 is way better in terms of looks when it comes to the console, with striking angles and a front ridge that elegantly hides the ports and disc slot. But, in terms of power usage Xbox is the winner. It runs at a good 20 to 30 watts lower whether sitting idle on menus, displaying streaming video, or running at maximum gaming performance. The PS4 wins out only in standby mode, though, saving seven or eight Watts when the systems are "off" but still awake enough to download content or start up quickly (both systems can be turned off completely to avoid almost all power draw). When it comes to the Noise Comparison test, I guess it’s a tie on this because neither system is exactly loud in full operation. In terms of video I could say that XBOX One wins. Xbox One generates images that are just as nice for all practical purposes. :)
I'm all about the Xbox One, myself, and I'm fidgeting here at work waiting for the end of the day to get here so I can go and pick my One up. ;) The PS4 might "look" better than the One, but I really couldn't care less because it's all about the functionality and graphics for me.
I've loved the playstation series for the longest time. Looks like I have to switch. I checked the comparison between Xbox one and PS4 in terms of graphics and it did show that Xbox one is better. Plus the fact that XBox One has it's own processor (newly developed). I hope they add more games and integrate mmorpg games.
I agree monkeybread73. I am all about the functionality. It doesn't matter if PS4 has a better console in terms of looks, all that matters to me is how the console will work and how will it benefit me. I saw videos earlier about video and picture editing and I was amazed because Xbox One has it. Looking forward to this.
I guess the best way to check this out is to actually try one. I have tried Xbox One personally from a friend who bought it yesterday. I can say that the console is absolutely the best console that I have tried in all my years of gaming. The games, well even if it is just a few are all astounding. But on a side note, PS4 won't be left behind of this. It's still too early to judge which will win.
I can't wait to own both, personally. I'm in it for the love of video games, period, not allegiance to one certain company. I love XBOX and everything about it, but I'm not gonna pretend there aren't good games for other systems.
I think if we take a look at the hardware specifications our beloved xbone might not be a match for its arch enemy, but power doesn't mean everything, especially not if we take in concern that more and more people started to use their consoles as an entertainment solution as well. The xbone can be used as a more-than-moderate gaming system but also as a decent entertainment system, combining several hardwares into one. That's where the xbone really shines out in my opinion.
I've been with the Xbox brand for too long to switch now. I'm totally addicted to the Halo and Gears of Way series. These two series alone make it worth staying with the Xbox brand. The Kinect 2.0 is much improved over the original Kinect and definitely a selling point for me as well. The Xbox fitness game looks like a really fun way to work out. The Playstation 4 can't have a game similar to the Xbox fitness due to not having anything close to the Kinect 2.0 hardware.
One thing I continue to notice is how much advertising Microsoft is doing. I can't remember how many TV shows I've watched the last two weeks that didn't contain at least one XB1 commercial. In fact, there have been shows (all over different cable channels) that show multiple commercials. Microsoft is trying to make sure folks know that the XB1 is the "only" gaming / entertainment system out on the market. Personally, I've played both PS4 and XB1 and I still prefer XB1. Not taking anything away from the PS4, I'm still in awe over the XB1's TV integration, its controller and the launch lineup. I'd be very upset if I owned a PS4 right now and knew I couldn't play games like DR3 or Forza.

I have to say that I second the PS4 just because of all the awesome Japanese games that it has. X-box is great too but it just seems like you never run out of games on PS4. Plus I personally like the way the characters look on PS4.

However, I do love the X-Box and even though they are competitors they are both very awesome machines and I would only turn X-Box down after I've ran out of games and seeing how that hasn't happened yet then I am not too worried.
The X1 has a stronger launch lineup, but the games for the PS4 have more variety and it also has more exclusives compared to the X1. The PS4 is also a bit more powerful and I think it's going to show in a few years once the devs are forced to optimize the games more anf more.
So for consoles I'm going for the PS4, but I've always liked PC gaming way more than console gaming.
PS4 has more exclusives ??? XB1 is 4K ready and Im excited about that. PS4 cannot play 4k games when they do launch. What is your take on the new consoles??
Right now I'm definitely going to buy a PS4, in the short term it's because of the price and I like the UI better. In the long term, I believe that their game library is far more diverse than that of the Xbox One. That doesn't mean that I won't own an Xbox One in the future, just that at this point I'll be getting the PS4 first and an Xbox One in maybe two years.
I'm not really for or against either choice this generation, but Sony had managed to outsell Microsoft by a pretty huge margin so far, and it isn't without a reason. They didn't have any "negative" announcements, and pretty much did nothing but play off what Microsoft had, in a "whatever you do I can do better" strategy. Which, to their credit, worked out quite nicely.
After getting the Xbox One and Playing the PS4, I am going with the Xbox One on this one. The graphics on the Xbox One are not even in comparison with the Playstation 4. I believe they are two great systems, but the Xbox One takes this one in my opinion.
I haven't yet had the opportunity to play on a ps4 but I don't know how it could compare to the xbox one. The X1 is exactly as I anticipated it to be!

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