Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

I was all set for getting the PS4 even though I've had both MS consoles so far and both have been fantastic. I liked the cheaper price, launch games and focus on gaming which for me is the whole point.

However when the dust settled I looked at how my family might use a new console and what it would have to offer everyone as the years roll by. The Kinnect 2.0 is lightyears ahead of the PS Eye, it will allow my wee girl to play games because a controller is too big for her and it will allow me to speak regularly with my sister (works abroad) via Skype.

The TV options have really crept up on me also, they are seriously cool. I will never tire of using voice commands to check the football results on Sky while I'm playing a game. My partner watches a bit of TV and this will enhance her viewing no end.

As for the gaming, the single best game I have seen is Titanfall. I'm really looking forward to it. Overall the Xbox One will be a fantastic gaming machine which can also do much much more. As I mentioned previously, I've had both Xbox consoles so far and MS has never let me down. Despite the so-so unveiling, the One will improve and improve. Once you sift though all the bluster it's a excellent machine. It's 2013. A console should do EVERYTHING well and the X1 does.
I had actually preordered a PS4 originally, but after some serious consideration I switched over to the XB1. My main reason is that I relate to XBOX games more the Sony's lineup. PS4 has some very Japanese style games that just aren't for me. The indies are great, but I have a PC for that; Titanfall was a console seller for me as well.
So I have been trying to get an answer to this question because honestly I can't wrap my head around it and cannot get more than a fanboy's answer. Exactly what "damage" has been done to you? I'm dead serious asking here. Maybe the fact that I am about to turn 40 and my days of being that hardcore guy are over, but I don't for the life of me what this even means that "the damage has been done".

If they launched the console with their original plan and you didn't like it, then I get the whole "damage" thing. For many people that was Sony circa 2006, so I would get that. But the Xbox One hasn't even launched yet, and the company changed some of their plans. So what damage was done?

Again, I'm asking with the utmost of seriousness as someone who very much doesn't understand this line of thinking in this circumstance.

When this individual says the damage has already been done, what they mean is folks are going to associate the Xbone with these policies forever afterwards. It's like if a guy gets called a pedophile, but it turns out they just really like handing out candy to children - forever afterwards you're going to think he is a pedophile. That's just how people are - good things are quickly forgotten, but bad things last forever in memory.

At least that's one way of thinking. Another issue is that for some folks like me... when I look over everything what I see is a company that wasn't trying to be the "future" of gaming. They were just trying to get a quick buck off of what they considered a childish, idiotic flock of sheep. Why else would they have suddenly changed their good, crowd-approved policies to the nonsense presented at E3? Now apparently they've changed back, but what would in anyway prevent them from easing this back in once they've hooked a sizable number of folks? Why would they tell people the Kinect isn't required, but at the same time stand firm on selling the Kinect with the Console? They just want money and I don't feel like giving it to them. So instead I give it to Sony and Nintendo - mostly Nintendo. At least for now, maybe I'll pick up one from a pawnshop or something later on.
I've already preordered the Xbox One. I've owned both Xbox 360 and PS3, and I always side towards Microsoft. Probably because most of my friends have Xbox, but mainly since Xbox gets the better games in my opinion.
I've already preordered the Xbox One. I've owned both Xbox 360 and PS3, and I always side towards Microsoft. Probably because most of my friends have Xbox, but mainly since Xbox gets the better games in my opinion.

Well your not wrong on that one lol. No one can argue that since MSFT has showed ALOT of games for launch and the ones that are coming out in the 1st year. Other than just saying they have them :p
Xbox One vs PS4

So I was reading on Xbox news earlier today and there was an article about XBOX and PS arguing about which was going to be better. Apparently the PS4 is going to be around 30% more powerful based off of its RAM and GPU. However, Xbox One has the Smartglass App feature. So they are saying that makes it tit-for-tat. The more I learn about the Smartglass app the more excited I get. What is your opinion about the differences? Power vs. feature?
it has been discussed a few times... it wont matter.. people say the ps3 is more powerful as well. yet their are cross platform games that look better on 360 and some even say play better and the network on 360 is better.

its such a crap shot.. the director of microsoft hit on this. compairing a 350hp porsche to a 500hp vette how the porformance of the porsche is just better its an all around better car but it has less hp.

what has gone under the radar is the amount of computing the ps4 requires leaving only a small chunk or real gaming data. microsoft has not let that info out about what it takes to run the interface of xb1.

its really what u want to play on tht matters. your big title games will be on both systems.
xb1 offers dedicated servers with a solid multiplayer network system.(i expect better with dedicated servers) the genki(sp ps4) is only for ps3 and older games(its super fast but not used on new games) with p2p ps4 is still with the host server setup(from what i have read) this will give you the laggy or certin players a speed advantage.

the dedicated servers stuff is why titanfall chose xb1 over ps4 iirc(an article)
If I remember correctly the PS3 is slightly more powerful than the 360. Specs for the PS4 are a bit more than the X1. At the end of the day I think it boils down to what each can offer in terms of on-line service and AAA titles. I have been trolling on the PS4 forums and they are convinced that the PS4 is a better system for many reasons. It's actually quite comical. If Sony is so much better I would implore everyone to look at the on-line members and compare.
I think I've finally made a decision and plan on picking up the PS4 because it's $50 bucks cheaper and will probably just be a better buy, in my opinion at least. I also think that the Xbox One will be good but Xbox is known to drop price after a year or two also so I may just hold out if I decide to get it.
So I was reading on Xbox news earlier today and there was an article about XBOX and PS arguing about which was going to be better. Apparently the PS4 is going to be around 30% more powerful based off of its RAM and GPU. However, Xbox One has the Smartglass App feature. So they are saying that makes it tit-for-tat. The more I learn about the Smartglass app the more excited I get. What is your opinion about the differences? Power vs. feature?

I posted a thread about Microsoft's rebuttal to this argument.
The thing is, Sony is a hardware company, Microsoft is a software giant.

This reflects in the console market too. While the PS4 has an hardware advantage, the Xbox one is clearly better software wise.
It has been compared so many times before. I don't wanna comment or state my opinion on it anymore.

All I am going to say is that both consoles are going to be awesome and as hardcore gamer, I have pre-ordered both.
...i feel like i have seen this topic somewhere else before.

PS4 because Microsoft is a software company and they should stick to that.
I think I've finally made a decision and plan on picking up the PS4 because it's $50 bucks cheaper and will probably just be a better buy, in my opinion at least. I also think that the Xbox One will be good but Xbox is known to drop price after a year or two also so I may just hold out if I decide to get it.

Wow..$50 is your deciding point?
I'll probably be getting the PS4. It's cheaper and it comes out sooner. Not to mention, I always get more excited by Sony's titles.
I too actually had an ps4 preordered first. I currently have only owned playstation to date. But with this new generation I feel that Microsoft has the upper hand due to their knowledge of direct x 11.1 graphics, their cloud usage(or vision for the use), the possible digital sharing in the future, tv features, contract with the NFL, games for the system(dead rising 3 being one at launch) and I could probably list a lot more of features that interest me. Like the kinect as well.

So I guess what I am saying is I am looking past the raw hardware specs and without actually playing one of the systems giving Microsoft the benefit of the doubt on this next generation.
My vote: Everyone should get what they want, be happy with it and stop trying to glamorize the choice they made.

Either your platform you choose has the games and the features you want, or it doesn't.

Think about it in a similar mode to:

"Everyone thinks their Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband/Mistress etc. is the best looking, most perfect person on the planet. While you may think it's true, there are scores of people out there who will adamantly disagree with you, and in fact be sickened by your choice, your words and your dedication to something so hideously out of their 'taste' and what they deem as right, proper and/or handsome of beautiful."

So get what you like, and be happy with it. If we each are happy with our choices, then this stupid fanboi kinda stuff wouldn't matter to anyone. What people on here **tching about 'my console is better' or 'your console sucks' tells is this - that they are in fact either unsure or unhappy with their choice.....

That's more or less how I feel.
Everyone has their preference...and everyone can no doubt list reasons to support it (and why the other choice sucks) but that doesn't take away value/merit of the other option(s).
When this individual says the damage has already been done, what they mean is folks are going to associate the Xbone with these policies forever afterwards. It's like if a guy gets called a pedophile, but it turns out they just really like handing out candy to children - forever afterwards you're going to think he is a pedophile. That's just how people are - good things are quickly forgotten, but bad things last forever in memory.

Ok, I stopped reading right there, because I know this forum is called, and not And I am pretty sure here people wouldn't equate the policies of a video game console company to someone being incorrectly labeled a pedophile.

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