Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

Ok, I stopped reading right there, because I know this forum is called, and not And I am pretty sure here people wouldn't equate the policies of a video game console company to someone being incorrectly labeled a pedophile.

I don't see what was so off-putting about his use of hyperbole?
Another issue is that for some folks like me... when I look over everything what I see is a company that wasn't trying to be the "future" of gaming. They were just trying to get a quick buck off of what they considered a childish, idiotic flock of sheep. Why else would they have suddenly changed their good, crowd-approved policies to the nonsense presented at E3? Now apparently they've changed back, but what would in anyway prevent them from easing this back in once they've hooked a sizable number of folks? Why would they tell people the Kinect isn't required, but at the same time stand firm on selling the Kinect with the Console? They just want money and I don't feel like giving it to them. So instead I give it to Sony and Nintendo - mostly Nintendo. At least for now, maybe I'll pick up one from a pawnshop or something later on.

Microsoft failed in explaining their E3 policies before the reversal, but it has since become much clearer what their intentions were/are. Not as self-serving as many seem to think, here are a few highlights:

1. Better allocation of used game profits.
2. Better regulation of used game prices.
3. Trading/Selling of digitally downloaded games.
4. Sharing of digitally downloaded games with remote family/friends.
5. Your games are tied to your profile rather than a physical disc, so loss of the disc does not mean loss of the game.

The cost? Your console has to check in online once in awhile in case ownership of your digital licenses is relinquished at an authorized reseller.

And you are right to think that these features will be slowly reintroduced because they are the future, and one day even Sony will be 'imposing' them on their customers because console gaming will not survive otherwise.
Microsoft failed in explaining their E3 policies before the reversal, but it has since become much clearer what their intentions were/are. Not as self-serving as many seem to think, here are a few highlights:

1. Better allocation of used game profits.
2. Better regulation of used game prices.
3. Trading/Selling of digitally downloaded games.
4. Sharing of digitally downloaded games with remote family/friends.
5. Your games are tied to your profile rather than a physical disc, so loss of the disc does not mean loss of the game.

The cost? Your console has to check in online once in awhile in case ownership of your digital licenses is relinquished at an authorized reseller.

And you are right to think that these features will be slowly reintroduced because they are the future, and one day even Sony will be 'imposing' them on their customers because console gaming will not survive otherwise.

I really hope you are right because those things you listed were stuff I wanted when I preordered the Xbox one. :)
Hi guys, I just joined so I am sorry that I am so late in the game here, but I have done plenty of research on this and this is exactly how I see it till this very day.

Since E3 to this very day!
Andrew House is a lair, and a good one. He is no better than Don Mattrick was for MS, and thank god he is gone now. What is even funnier is that Sony had the same DRM policies in place (little did anybody know) for their E3 presentation. They retracted everything after seeing the community outcry after Microsoft's announcements.

Microsoft wasn't afraid to bring forward on what "they thought" was a new innovative idea for the gaming community, but did an awful job explaining the policies, which lead to the outcry. I would have loved to see what would have happen if Sony went first at E3, because everything from that point on would have been a very different twist, to the situation that we see today. Sony's strategy from E3 till this day was to wait, listen, & 1 up Microsoft on everything, since MS were lined up to go first on all the presentations. This is why Sony mentioned that they will "Act Accordingly" do Microsoft. Including, Sony's announcement back in Feb, which is why you never even saw a console at their announcement, just a controller. Sony played very well on making the community "THINK" they are consumer friendly, and on your side (business illusion). Sony fooled everybody with this strategy (which is a good business strategy).

We do live in a world of Naïve, and Ignorant people who just see the world with the cards you present. Just like watching the NEWS. However, it takes an individual's curiosity to take that card and look behind it to seek further truth. Microsoft has taken every step to listen to their fan base, and retract what the gaming community did NOT like. So why do people still complain? I can't answer that, but a lot of people feel as if MS owes them more than an apology. I believe if you made the decision on your choice than go for it. But, people should know the truth, and deserve to know how this all folded. I also believe people are being to harsh towards MS. I am more thankful that there are companies that are making game consoles for us to use.

I would have posted several Links to give you more detail information to back my claim, but I need 25 more posts. lol
Hi guys, I just joined so I am sorry that I am so late in the game here, but I have done plenty of research on this and this is exactly how I see it till this very day.

Since E3 to this very day!
Andrew House is a lair, and a good one. He is no better than Don Mattrick was for MS, and thank god he is gone now. What is even funnier is that Sony had the same DRM policies in place (little did anybody know) for their E3 presentation. They retracted everything after seeing the community outcry after Microsoft's announcements.

Microsoft wasn't afraid to bring forward on what "they thought" was a new innovative idea for the gaming community, but did an awful job explaining the policies, which lead to the outcry. I would have loved to see what would have happen if Sony went first at E3, because everything from that point on would have been a very different twist, to the situation that we see today. Sony's strategy from E3 till this day was to wait, listen, & 1 up Microsoft on everything, since MS were lined up to go first on all the presentations. This is why Sony mentioned that they will "Act Accordingly" do Microsoft. Including, Sony's announcement back in Feb, which is why you never even saw a console at their announcement, just a controller. Sony played very well on making the community "THINK" they are consumer friendly, and on your side (business illusion). Sony fooled everybody with this strategy (which is a good business strategy).

We do live in a world of Naïve, and Ignorant people who just see the world with the cards you present. Just like watching the NEWS. However, it takes an individual's curiosity to take that card and look behind it to seek further truth. Microsoft has taken every step to listen to their fan base, and retract what the gaming community did NOT like. So why do people still complain? I can't answer that, but a lot of people feel as if MS owes them more than an apology. I believe if you made the decision on your choice than go for it. But, people should know the truth, and deserve to know how this all folded. I also believe people are being to harsh towards MS. I am more thankful that there are companies that are making game consoles for us to use.

I would have posted several Links to give you more detail information to back my claim, but I need 25 more posts. lol

Well said, couldn't agree with you more.
Hi guys, I just joined so I am sorry that I am so late in the game here, but I have done plenty of research on this and this is exactly how I see it till this very day.

Since E3 to this very day!
Andrew House is a lair, and a good one. He is no better than Don Mattrick was for MS, and thank god he is gone now. What is even funnier is that Sony had the same DRM policies in place (little did anybody know) for their E3 presentation. They retracted everything after seeing the community outcry after Microsoft's announcements.

Microsoft wasn't afraid to bring forward on what "they thought" was a new innovative idea for the gaming community, but did an awful job explaining the policies, which lead to the outcry. I would have loved to see what would have happen if Sony went first at E3, because everything from that point on would have been a very different twist, to the situation that we see today. Sony's strategy from E3 till this day was to wait, listen, & 1 up Microsoft on everything, since MS were lined up to go first on all the presentations. This is why Sony mentioned that they will "Act Accordingly" do Microsoft. Including, Sony's announcement back in Feb, which is why you never even saw a console at their announcement, just a controller. Sony played very well on making the community "THINK" they are consumer friendly, and on your side (business illusion). Sony fooled everybody with this strategy (which is a good business strategy).

We do live in a world of Naïve, and Ignorant people who just see the world with the cards you present. Just like watching the NEWS. However, it takes an individual's curiosity to take that card and look behind it to seek further truth. Microsoft has taken every step to listen to their fan base, and retract what the gaming community did NOT like. So why do people still complain? I can't answer that, but a lot of people feel as if MS owes them more than an apology. I believe if you made the decision on your choice than go for it. But, people should know the truth, and deserve to know how this all folded. I also believe people are being to harsh towards MS. I am more thankful that there are companies that are making game consoles for us to use.

I would have posted several Links to give you more detail information to back my claim, but I need 25 more posts. lol

The reason that I didn't get so bent out of shape over the original DRM plans or the reversals were because I was good either way. In fact I still maintain that in the end the original plan may have been better than what we got now. And that's just how I feel about it.

But somewhere along the line Microsoft needed to come out with a coherent message about it and didn't. Different people saying different things, some extent leaving frontline PR folks like MajorNelson out to dry.

And what made it worse was that they made the most classic of mistakes that kill political careers. They allowed their competition to define before they get to define themselves.

If they had their s*** together at E3, and came out with a unified message explaining exactly what they were looking to do, I think the backlash would have been minimal.
Hi guys, I just joined so I am sorry that I am so late in the game here, but I have done plenty of research on this and this is exactly how I see it till this very day.

Since E3 to this very day!
Andrew House is a lair, and a good one. He is no better than Don Mattrick was for MS, and thank god he is gone now. What is even funnier is that Sony had the same DRM policies in place (little did anybody know) for their E3 presentation. They retracted everything after seeing the community outcry after Microsoft's announcements.

Microsoft wasn't afraid to bring forward on what "they thought" was a new innovative idea for the gaming community, but did an awful job explaining the policies, which lead to the outcry. I would have loved to see what would have happen if Sony went first at E3, because everything from that point on would have been a very different twist, to the situation that we see today. Sony's strategy from E3 till this day was to wait, listen, & 1 up Microsoft on everything, since MS were lined up to go first on all the presentations. This is why Sony mentioned that they will "Act Accordingly" do Microsoft. Including, Sony's announcement back in Feb, which is why you never even saw a console at their announcement, just a controller. Sony played very well on making the community "THINK" they are consumer friendly, and on your side (business illusion). Sony fooled everybody with this strategy (which is a good business strategy).

We do live in a world of Naïve, and Ignorant people who just see the world with the cards you present. Just like watching the NEWS. However, it takes an individual's curiosity to take that card and look behind it to seek further truth. Microsoft has taken every step to listen to their fan base, and retract what the gaming community did NOT like. So why do people still complain? I can't answer that, but a lot of people feel as if MS owes them more than an apology. I believe if you made the decision on your choice than go for it. But, people should know the truth, and deserve to know how this all folded. I also believe people are being to harsh towards MS. I am more thankful that there are companies that are making game consoles for us to use.

I would have posted several Links to give you more detail information to back my claim, but I need 25 more posts. lol

I believe I have reached my 25 posts to provide Links, and support what I am saying. So to continue what I was talking about above, here are the following links to show how this all played out in my eyes. Tell me what you guys think! Some of you might have known this, and some of you might have just discovered something new here. Who knows! Thoughts?

Sony's DRM 1)

Sony's PS4 was $499 as well. 2)

Sony's cut's PS EYE on 11th Hour 3)

Sony mimics Xbox One's Voice Recognition. 4)

Sony 2000 friends list after Microsoft announced 1000. 5)
I'd love my fanboy heart to just say "LOL PS4 SUX" but at this point, it wouldn't be true. BOTH consoles have huge positive points about them and without a doubt within the next 3 years, I will have both.
lol dyzposableherox, lets stay on topic. That's an issue for the off topic board.
We should just wait a year and return to this topic :). I have a feeling as both consoles are released and people get their hands on them. That the annoumous devs/people will go away and true game play reviews will unveil the truth. Right now it's all about saying the right thing to get people to buy your product. Once it's in consumers hands that PR is not the only thing we will hear. :)
I do think if I get any console, I'll be getting the PS4. I like the XBox One kind of, it's a cool console, but with the PS4 you get more for your money. XBox is too "media-centered", as I've heard it described, and it takes away from actual gameplay. "Hey, you got an achievement? Let's post to Facebook, Twitter, and put it on your résumé!" I think the PS4 is just a better console overall, plus all of my friends are getting it.
I do think if I get any console, I'll be getting the PS4. I like the XBox One kind of, it's a cool console, but with the PS4 you get more for your money. XBox is too "media-centered", as I've heard it described, and it takes away from actual gameplay. "Hey, you got an achievement? Let's post to Facebook, Twitter, and put it on your résumé!" I think the PS4 is just a better console overall, plus all of my friends are getting it.

I respect your decision, but I would higly suggest you look into more what the X1 can offer you first, and including the games. Do you understand it fully? A lot of people have said the X1 is to "Media Centered" and just because it is, does NOT mean it can't play games, nor does it mean the games are going to be less attractive. I am just not understanding why some people are turned off by having more "bells & whistles" to your console. More features on a console the better for me, but just because you say the X1 is to "Media Centered" does NOT mean it doesn't focus any attention on the "GAMING", when in fact it "plays games too", and the Xbox One will focus all of it's attention to GAMING when you are actually GAMING on it. I am 100% positive that you will be more then capable of shuting off twitter, facebook, and all other things that you mentioned if you don't want it. However, For me the X1 can do more than the PS4. I believe I am getting more for my money with the X1. The next generation has to have cool features that is going to lead us into the future, and I believe the more features the next console is going to have, the more developed for the future it will be. I have a group of friends that are severe gamer freaks, and we are all split in our decision. I have decided to get thet X1, while others are getting the PS4. I don't base my decision just because my friends want to get something else. Is there a particular game that you are looking forward too? Did you see all the exclusives that are coming to PS4 & X1? I am a Major Halo fan, so nothing is ever going to stear me away from HALO, especially HALO 5. Since 2001, The Masterchief and I have been through a lot. lol.
Ok, I stopped reading right there, because I know this forum is called, and not And I am pretty sure here people wouldn't equate the policies of a video game console company to someone being incorrectly labeled a pedophile.

I do not understand the thing about My point is that if someone gets called out for something awful (according to general consensus) then that is what is going to remain stuck in people's minds. Also - you completely ignored the "good things are quickly forgotten" part, but somehow I'm not really surprised.
I do think if I get any console, I'll be getting the PS4. I like the XBox One kind of, it's a cool console, but with the PS4 you get more for your money. XBox is too "media-centered", as I've heard it described, and it takes away from actual gameplay. "Hey, you got an achievement? Let's post to Facebook, Twitter, and put it on your résumé!" I think the PS4 is just a better console overall, plus all of my friends are getting it.

Hey bud you can't go wrong with either console. Right now both consoles have their own thing and ps4 actually does less which is why it is 100 cheaper. But if you just look at the gaming aspect they are both even right now. Developers haven't learned the new drivers to bring the most out of the games. So when I was deciding on one of the systems to preorder I choose Xbox one over ps4 due to the games coming out for it like dead rising 3, sports rivals for kinect and some future games. I have always owned play stations too. Another factor was of course my close friend was getting a Xbox one as well and I wanted to play with him. So I can't blame ya for getting same console as friends :)

You will have to give us a ps4 review once you get it! I am sure ill get a ps4 in the future as I really like MLB the show.
I do think if I get any console, I'll be getting the PS4. I like the XBox One kind of, it's a cool console, but with the PS4 you get more for your money. XBox is too "media-centered", as I've heard it described, and it takes away from actual gameplay. "Hey, you got an achievement? Let's post to Facebook, Twitter, and put it on your résumé!" I think the PS4 is just a better console overall, plus all of my friends are getting it.

You have hit the nail right on it's head. The media focus of Xbox One doesn't sit well with me at least. I only want to play games on it. Don't force me to do things I don't want to do.
You have hit the nail right on it's head. The media focus of Xbox One doesn't sit well with me at least. I only want to play games on it. Don't force me to do things I don't want to do.

As I stated before in my last comment above, the X1 is NOT forcing you to do anything. The X1 is just giving you more option (features). You don't have to do anything else in the X1 if you just want to play games. I don't know if anybody else in this forum can help me understand the logic behind people's misunderstanding between the X1 playing games, and its features. If you buy a car that's fully loaded with extra features? Is that suppose to be a good thing? Why are people turning this into a bad thing? It's quiet baffling!

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